Monday, February 18, 2008

Murphy's Law at it's best

So let’s see what has happened. Ruben has been gone for 2 weeks and Murphy’s Law has moved in to keep me company. Anything that could go wrong has done so this past week. First there was the water pipe which I wrote about, and then Maggie figured out how to climb the fence and run out of the yard. So I thought things would be better, but no. Bad luck was just not done with me. I get back home valentine’s night and I have this to come home to. Kodo’s has been stressed and mad that Ruben has been gone, so he decided to take it out on the couch.

And a pillow.

This didn’t get me mad because they don’t understand what is going on and this is the only way they can express their feelings. What did get me mad is when Barney and Hoju got into a fight. Barney + a diet – walks for 2 weeks = VERY ANGRY Barney. So first let me explain why I haven’t taken Barney out and why he is on a diet. Barney was diagnosed with hip dysplasia 2 weeks ago. He is normal in weight, but to help ease pain in his hips and slow down the progression he has to lose some weight. He also had to stay off walks so the inflammation in his hips can go down. So I am not trying to torture the boy, but just trying to help. This is not going to be an option while Ruben is away because of how angry and grumpy he gets. So after picking up the pillow filling, Barney starts to pick on Hoju. Next thing I see is two giant dogs getting into it. I have never seen a dog fight and I hope to never see one again after that night. So here I am…I am not that big, yet I had to get in the middle of 200 pounds of angry dog. Not cool. When it was over I was freaked out, mad, and crying. Surprisingly there were no injuries. Barney just had 3 scratches, but nothing bad. Still, not cool. The night just got worse. I ordered a pizza so I could watch the bad dogs, eat pizza and finish watching Amalie. Pizza man gets here and he forgot the credit receipt. We argue about leaving the pizza and I end up staying in all night waiting for him to bring back the receipt so I could sign it. Ruben got back Friday night and I slept well this weekend. This is Kodos all cute and snuggled on Friday when it was cold and rainy. This picture made me smile.

My dad also came by (from California) to put up the rest of the metal sheeting fence so none of the kids can get out. It looks nice and now I don’t have to worry about my little monkey girl Maggie escaping. I am hoping this week is better….please let it be better!

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