Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Corn cob holders anyone?

So what have I been doing at work lately? I have been shelling corn. yes, corn. To pay for grad school and research expenses I had to keep my job as a research tech working in a plant molecular genetics lab. the lab plants specific maize plants with specific genes of interest during the spring and summer months. next week we have to plant and since it is spring break many of the undergraduates are gone. the only people here are myself and one of my co-workers (who is also a grad student). the only thing, we are both part-timers because of school and work. we have a lot of corn to shell. so what do i do? i have specific corn cobs (corn ears) in which the seeds must be removed, counted, and placed into a labeled envelope. doesn't sound hard right. it isn't. it's just boring. it also gets tedious when you have several different seed colors involved and they have to be separated. my eyes are red from seed strain. i am going home for a quick dinner and i am coming back and staying in the lab late. i will see how much more i can do. after all i have been waking up at 5am and was out doing my own research in the early hours.
some corn ears are fine, others have hundreds of seeds, but the worse ones are the ones like the picture. they are covered in mold. after removing the seeds and counting my hands are a greenish-black.gross.

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