Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's all about the noise makin' toys

If there is one thing Hoju LOVES, it's his ball. It's hard to get this guy tired (usually Ruben or I get tired before he does), but when you manage to do it....It's great! Check out this tired pup after 30 minutes of non-stop ball throwing and retrieving.

I saw these toys at Costco and thought how much the kids would love em. Aren't they cute. They all make little noises, for example, the duck quaks.
Oh do love your toys don't you!

Kodos likes to play with the toys, he just doesn't like it to be caught on film. Thank god I had my camera handy and it snaps pics quickly. Gotcha!

I started Archery this past wednesday and man was I sore the day after. I am taking classes with the man who coaches the women's Olympic archery team. We are using the re-curve bow which is pictured below. This week it was all about form. The correct form can make or break your accuracy, so I must practice at home before next weeks class meeting.

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